Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Quantum Growth Beneficial Soil Bacteria Fights Harmful Fungal And Bacterial Pathogens

Quantum Growth is a consortium of over 20 different types of natural, beneficial vegetative bacteria. Many of the species contained in Quantum Growth are well published in peer-reviewed literature in terms of their activity against both fungal and bacterial pathogens, including Phytophthora infestans (P.infestans), the organism responsible for late blight of tomatoes and potatoes.

Multiple mechanisms are likely responsible for the observed anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects, including direct synthesis of toxic compounds, induction of apoptosis, or simply through the principle of Gausse’s Law of competitive exclusion.

Many growers who use Quantum Growth on a regular basis report great success in controlling mildew and bacterial blight in fields treated with only Quantum versus fields treated with synthetic fungicide and bactericides. They also report that when Quantum is applied after first sign of disease, the plant recovers and continues to grow and produce fruits. We recommend applying Quantum on a weekly basis for systemic protection.

Several other commercially available biological fungicides have demonstrated mixed results against fungal infections, including Serenade (Bacillus subtilis) and Sonata (Bacillus pumilus). These products all contain single strains. The consortium of microbes in Quantum Growth acts in a manner similar to the drug “cocktails” that have demonstrated increased efficacy, for example in HIV treatments. This multi-strain approach and inherent redundancy attacks pathogens through multiple-mechanisms, and the effects are synergistic, not additive.

The following strains have been verified to be contained in Quantum Growth through DNA sequencing.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, Bacillus pumilus, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Curtobacterium flaccumfaceins, Rhodospirillum rubrum, Nitrobacter winogradsky, Family Actinomycetes- (Steptomyces lydicus) Pseudomonas fluorescens

Another advantage with Quantum Growth is its long shelf life, even after the container has been opened. As long as the container is tightly sealed and stored at room temperature, the product’s efficacy will last several years.

Quantum comes in several different formulations depending on soil types and desired response. However, we have found that the best results are obtained when using Quantum Lights and Quantum VSC together in equal proportions.
For those interested in further information on beneficial soil bacteria, please review the following references.

1. Yan Z, Reddy MS, Ryu CM, McInroy JA, Wilson M, Kloepper JW (2002). Induced systemic protection against tomato late blight elicited by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Phytopathology 92(12): 1329-33.

2. Lacava PT, Li W, Araujo WL, Azevedo JL, Hartung JS (2007). The endophyte Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens reduces symptoms caused by Xylella fastidiosa in Catharanthus roseus. The Journal of Microbiology 45 (5): 388-393.

3. USDA/Agricultural Research Service (2008, June 12). Beneficial Bacteria Help Control Produce Pathogen. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/06/080606133836.htm

4. Kudriashova EB, Vinokurova NG, Ariskina EV (2005). Bacillus subtilis and phenotypically similar strains producing hexaene antibiotics. Prikl Biokhim Mikrobiol 41(5):553-7.

5. Hong S, Moon BH, Yong Y, Shin SY, Lee YH, Lim Y (2008). Inhibitory effect against Akt of cyclic dipeptides isolated from Bacillus sp. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 18(4): 682-5.

For more information, log on to http://www.smartfarmingsolutions.com/

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010



If you want to maintain a nice looking lawn, you have to sharpen your mower blades regularly. And that’s the problem. Who likes to crawl underneath a big, six foot wide mowing deck on a hot summer day to try to pry off three blades? I don’t. In fact, even with my impact wrench and my small air compressor, I can’t get these darn blades off. All it takes is a little corrosion between the blades and the nuts and the job is nearly impossible.
Yes, you can call the wife or the neighbor; and using pipes for leverage and two by four pieces of wood to prevent the blades from rotating, you will eventually get the blades off. But along the way, I guarantee that you will get filthy, tired and scraped.

I know, and that is why I invented the Mower BRAT (Blade Removal Assisting Tool). I now can remove blades in just a few minutes, with little effort, and by myself. The BRAT is built right here in the USA, imagine that? It is easy to use and the four feet long handles provide ample leverage for the biggest mowing decks.

In fact last weekend one of the wheel assemblies of my mower needed repair and I used one of the handles (which holds the ratchet) to unfasten impossibly tight nuts holding the assembly to the deck. The BRAT can be used for all sorts of applications requiring leverage.
So, simplify your life and put the BRAT to work for a change.

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If you already use Hydretain to reduce watering your lawn, you may have also noticed that your turf looks greener and healthier a few days after applying Hydretain. So what is happening?
In a recent trial with various vegetable plants, Hydretain was applied to 10’ long beds, directly on the soil (with 4 gallons of water to ensure penetration to the root zone). The soil was sandy and moisture was maintained with drip irrigation.
Plots were divided in 4 groups:
1. Control.
2. 2 fluid ounces of Hydretain applied to soil- no other treatment.
3. 2 fluid ounces of Hydretain applied to soil; and 3 tablespoon of calcium nitrate and a surfactant mixed with 250 ml of water applied to leaves the following day.
4. 4 fluid ounces of Hydretain applied to soil and 3 tablespoon of calcium nitrate and a surfactant mixed with 250 ml of water applied to leaves the following day.

Plants were juiced the following day after foliar application of calcium nitrate; and nitrate levels were measured using a cardy meter. Since plants rapidly absorb nutrients through the leaves, it was no surprise to see a near doubling of nitrate in the plant with foliar applied nitrate fertilizer. But we had two surprises:
1. Nitrate levels of the plots with no foliar calcium nitrate, just the Hydretain in the soil showed an increase of nitrogen of 18% above the control.
2. There were no significant nitrate differences in groups 3 and 4. In other words, doubling the Hydretain concentration did increase the nitrate levels of group 4.

More samples were juiced the following day (two days after foliar fertilizer application). Here again we had another surprise:
· Nitrate levels in groups 3 and 4 remained at the same levels as the previous day, where as group 2 (with just Hydretain in the soil) dropped back down to control levels.

Usually when foliar fertilizer is applied, the nutrient content of the petioles and leaves usually drop by 50% - 100% within 24 hours of application. On the other hand, when nitrate fertilizer is applied to the soil, it takes several days for the nitrate content to peak in the plant, (depending on soil type, environmental conditions and soil moisture). In this case, by just applying Hydretain, we saw an immediate bump in nitrate levels. And a continued high nitrate level when foliar fertilizer was also applied.

We therefore highly recommend to apply Hydretain two days prior or with any foliar fertilizer applications. You will get the benefit of reducing water usage and more effective plant uptake of fertilizer.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010


How To Keep Your Lawn Green During A Drought

Spring has arrived and it looks like it may be a dry one for the South East. If you live in a community or county with tight watering restrictions, such as Naples or Tampa, Florida (one day per week), you may be hard pressed to maintain a healthy, green looking lawn.
With dry air, clear skies and increasing temperatures, there is not much you can do traditionally to keep your lawn alive. However, if you are one to think and act outside the box, then there is a proven solution. Hydretain is breakthrough technology which absorbs moistures and maintains it at the root zone. Its special chemical properties form a shield around the roots, constantly providing them water. When you irrigate your lawn, the water penetrating the soil is immediately absorbed by Hydretain’s humectants. As a result, water is not wasted through leaching or evaporation. In addition, these organic chemicals provide soil aeration.
Unlike surfactant or soaps that help water penetrate the soil but provide no moisture management, with Hydretain you can actually cut watering by 50% to 70%. And that’s how you can keep your lawn looking green with only one day of watering per week.
Golf course superintendents who are under tight water restriction and who also must cut the cost of their water usage use Hydretain throughout the country. Hydretain is also becoming popular with nurseries, which must ensure the plants do not dehydrate and wilt during shipping. Most of all, thousands of homeowners buy Hydretain this time of year to keep their lawn healthy and beautiful even during a drought.For more information on Hydretain, log on to http://www.smartfarmingsolutions.com/

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Quantum Growth Beneficial Bacteria Radically Improves Plant Growth

Are your nursery plants under stress or weakened by disease? Here is a suggestion: Apply Quantum Growth beneficial bacteria. You may be pleasantly surprised to see a marked increase in plant vigor in a few short weeks. The picture to the left shows Quantum in action on blueberry plants after just 3 weeks.
Biologist and agronomist have long known that beneficial bacteria are essential in transforming atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium, which the plant can uptake. Other bacteria transport nutrient to the root zone; while others kill harmful pathogens.
What makes Quantum Growth unique is that it is a mixture of at least 12 strains of active beneficial bacteria, each providing unique features to the plant. This means that the bacteria go to work in the soil immediately. They are not in a dormant state, which requires several weeks of ideal soil conditions to come alive. Even more novel, Quantum Growth has a shelf life of up to five years, even after opening the jug (providing it is tightly sealed after use).Growers tell us that they can now reduce nitrogen fertilizer by more than 50% without a decrease in growth or yield using Quantum Growth. Quantum is also ideal in hydroponics systems.Quantum comes in five different varieties depending on soil type and application. For example, Quantum VSC is designed for turf use and incorporates additional strains to decompose thatch. Quantum is particularly effective in restoring health to damaged or stressed plants. Golf course superintendents love this product to restore damaged turf. So do nursery growers.Spring is here and now is the perfect time to apply Quantum Growth to accelerate plant growth. For more information go to http://www.smartfarmingsolutions.com/

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Monday, March 29, 2010



If you own a large lawn mower, chances are that you dread the day you have to remove your blades to sharpen them. That job usually requires two persons. The first person’s job is to prevent the blades from rotating. It entails crawling under the deck and jamming a piece of wood between the blades and the mowing deck to hold the blade in position. At the same time, that person holds a ratchet against the nut holding the blade. The second person’s job is to slide a pipe on the ratchet handle and to turn the pipe. If every thing goes well, you on the bottom will walk away with a few scraped knuckles or a bruised chin, as the ratchet inevitably falls off during the operation. This job used to take at least an hour and involves a lot of sweating and cussing.
Not anymore. Thanks to the Mower BRAT, (Blade Removal Assisting Tool), you can remove a mowing blade in less than a minute all by yourself, without power tools. The BRAT comes with two handles, similar to a bolt cutter, held together by a rotating slide. You simply insert your heavy-duty ratchet in the lower handle and tighten it by rotating the knob. Then you slide the other handle on the blade. At this point the blade holds the tool and you can let go. All that is left to do is to snap the ratchet on the nut holding the blade and start moving the handles back and forth. You can also use The BRAT to tighten the nut back after you have sharpened the blades.

The Mower Brat really makes the mowing blade removal process a piece of cake or a walk in the park, your pick. Better yet, this solidly built tool is made in the USA. Imagine that.

The Mower Brat is affordable and shipping is free in the continental U.S. Take advantage of Smart Farming Solutions spring introductory offer and order today.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010



If you are looking for ways to reduce fertilizer inputs, without affecting yield, here are a few tips:

1. Perform a soil test and based on the results, put only the recommended amount to match the plant’s nutritional needs.

2. Pay attention to pH. Depending on the soil pH, certain macro and micronutrients may not be available to the plant. Ensure that your soil pH is within the optimum growth parameters of the plant.

3. Ensure that you have plenty of available calcium. Calcium is not only essential for strong cell wall; it also regulates the uptake of other nutrients and greatly diminishes heat, drought and salt stress (soils with excessive sodium).

4. Take tissue samples throughout the plant’s growth cycle. Plants have different nutritional needs during stages of growth. It is better to spoon feed the plant with the needed fertilizer than to indiscriminately apply the standard NPK two or three times during the growth stage of the plant.

5. Consider slow release fertilizer. It may not be feasible for large scale farming, but it will ultimately save money for small home gardens, nurseries and turf. You can cut fertilizer use by as much as 30% with a quality slow release product. One of the reasons is that the nutrients will not readily leach out during a rain event. With conventional dry fertilizers, a one inch rain can practically wash out most of the fertilizer you may have put on the soil. Farmers typical over fertilize for this eventually, particularly if the type of crop they are growing precludes reapplication of fertilizer beyond a certain growth stage. Do your homework on the choice of slow release fertilizers. Sulfur coated is the cheapest but the least scientific in its release. Heat and moisture will affect the release time. So carefully plan for changes in temperatures and rain as the season progresses and adjust the ratio of slow release to conventional granular. The costlier slow release fertilizers are coated with polymers, which can provide up to 6 months of steady and precise release.

6. If you have already done all of the above and still want to decrease fertilizer use, here is the ultimate solution. It is called Quantum Growth. Quantum Growth is a scientific breakthrough in beneficial bacteria technology. It is the result of more than 30 years of research. What is unique about Quantum in the combination of bacterial strains, which not only can coexist with each other, but also the multi year shelf life even after opening. Among the bacterial strains are the nitrogen fixating ones, which take nitrogen from the air and transforms it to NH4+. Other strains fight harmful pathogens. Others retain soil moisture.

Growers, nurseryman and golf course superintendents who use Quantum Growth tells us they have cut nitrogen fertilizer by as much as 70% without compromising yield. Sod growers are reporting a noticeable decrease in nematodes; while others are greatly curtailing fungicide use.

Quantum comes in different formulations depending on the end use. It consists of living strains, which immediately work in the soil, unlike some competitors who offer dormant strains in order to have some shelf life.
For more information on Quantum Growth, log on to http://www.smartfarmingsolutions.com/. Do check out the phenomenal video. A picture is worth a thousand words.

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