Saturday, May 23, 2009
If you live in the southeast, and more particularly Central Florida; and have been pounded by rain and constant cloud cover for the past week, you probably also have noticed little growth in your garden. The plants appear to be hibernating.
Aside from decrease light energy which slows photosynthesis and plant energy cycle, there is another factor at play: Photomorphogenisis.
Photomorphogenesis is defined as the ability of light to regulate plant growth and development, independent of photosynthesis. Internode elongation, chlorophyll development, flowering, lateral bud outgrowth, and root and shoot growth, all are regulated by light. Photomorphogenesis differs from photosynthesis in several major ways. The plant pigment responsible for light-regulated growth responses is phytochrome. Phytochrome is a colorless pigment that is in plants in very small amounts. Only the red (600 to 660 nm) and far red (700 to 740 nm) wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum appear to be important in the light-regulated growth of plants. The wavelengths involved in generating photosynthesis are generally broader (400 to 700 nm) and less specific. Cloud cover directly interferes with red spectral wavelengths and inhibits photomorphogenesis, therefore the plant stops growing.
Some plants such as tomatoes and cucurbits are very sensitive to cloud cover. In spite of warm temperatures and good drainage, they will seize growing if overcast persists. To make matters worse, the same overcast keeps bees in their hives; and as a result, plants which require pollination do not get pollinated properly, resulting in fruit deformation.
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do but hope for a little sunshine soon.
Aside from decrease light energy which slows photosynthesis and plant energy cycle, there is another factor at play: Photomorphogenisis.
Photomorphogenesis is defined as the ability of light to regulate plant growth and development, independent of photosynthesis. Internode elongation, chlorophyll development, flowering, lateral bud outgrowth, and root and shoot growth, all are regulated by light. Photomorphogenesis differs from photosynthesis in several major ways. The plant pigment responsible for light-regulated growth responses is phytochrome. Phytochrome is a colorless pigment that is in plants in very small amounts. Only the red (600 to 660 nm) and far red (700 to 740 nm) wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum appear to be important in the light-regulated growth of plants. The wavelengths involved in generating photosynthesis are generally broader (400 to 700 nm) and less specific. Cloud cover directly interferes with red spectral wavelengths and inhibits photomorphogenesis, therefore the plant stops growing.
Some plants such as tomatoes and cucurbits are very sensitive to cloud cover. In spite of warm temperatures and good drainage, they will seize growing if overcast persists. To make matters worse, the same overcast keeps bees in their hives; and as a result, plants which require pollination do not get pollinated properly, resulting in fruit deformation.
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do but hope for a little sunshine soon.
Labels: coud cover, overcast, photomorphogenesis, plant growth
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
**Photo courtesy of IFAS

In the past days we have received a continuous onslaught of much needed rain in Florida. We have been bathed with 16 inches of rain in many areas and more to come in the next few days. Of course when this much water arrives all at once and you grow on sandy soils, one of the immediate concerns is the leaching of boron.
Boron is an essential micro nutrient which aids in the production of sugars, seed and fruit development and the plants use of other nutrients.
Interestingly, there is a narrow range between deficiency and toxicity in plants. A fraction of one part per million (ppm) may result in deficiency, yet just a few ppm may be toxic to some plants.
Boron is not mobile in plants, which means that it must be available at all times. Usually in rich organic soil it is held tightly by the humus particles. However, in sandy soils it readily leaches.
Boron is critical to cell differentiation at the growing tips. As a result, one symptom is stunted or deformed tips. Deformed flowers also reflect deficiency. Other symptoms include decrease flowering, curled, wilted and chlorotic new growth. Boron deficiency also decreases photosynthetic rate, which results in less sugar production and over all stunted plants.
To rectify any deficiency, approximately 0.5 to 1 ounce of boron per 1000 square feet is needed. Laundry borax can do the trick. However, in our current condition, I prefer to use Super Boost, which provides all the micro nutrients in chelated form. In addition, Super Boost has fulvic acid and seaweed extract to invigorate the water logged plants. To control any potential fungi outbreak , I also plan to spray Inoculaid. Not only will the beneficial bacteria help control pathogens, they will also fixate atmospheric nitrogen to roots and reverse the denitrification of the soil from all the rain.
For more information, log on to
Labels: boron, Chelated Micro nutrients, deficiency, micro nutrient, rain, Super Boost, water logged
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Phosphate is an essential macro nutrient and is a critical component of adenosine triphosphate, (ATP) the energy molecule which drives most biological processes. It is also found in DNA and RNA. Phosphate enhances the fundamental processes of photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, root growth, flowering and fruiting. Phosphate deficient plants will usually be stunted, thin stemmed; but the foliage will often be dark and even purple in some plants. Phosphorous is very mobile in the plant, therefore older leaves show deficiencies first.
Most soils are low in phosphate. To make matters worst, less than 0.01% of the total soil phosphorous is available to plants. Phosphorous binds easily to calcium, iron and aluminum. As a result, it does not readily leach, but for the same reason, it is not readily available for plant uptake. Even when phosphorous is added in the form of an inorganic fertilizer, it will rapidly become insoluble.
The dilemma is that calcium is also essential to plants. It is often added to soils in the form of lime rock, dolomite or gypsum, not only to replenish soils low in calcium but to also raise pH in soils made acidic by nitrates. Calcium carbonate will dissolve and calcium ions will latch on the phosphate ions, becoming a nearly insoluble compound.
In the last decades, growers have progressively added more phosphate to their fertilizer mix to counter this problem. However, even the little leaching that occurs creates enormous environmental problems. Some vegetable growers are taking a different approach. They apply a small amount of phosphate at time of planting in the furrow (starter fertilizer); then at four to six true leaves, they foliar spray (usually a mixture of potassium phosphate) on a weekly basis thereafter, (based on tissue samples). I use 3-18-18 high grade liquid fertilizer which is designed for this very reason. It is composed of food grade materials, meaning the same high quality products used in the food industry.
Most soils are low in phosphate. To make matters worst, less than 0.01% of the total soil phosphorous is available to plants. Phosphorous binds easily to calcium, iron and aluminum. As a result, it does not readily leach, but for the same reason, it is not readily available for plant uptake. Even when phosphorous is added in the form of an inorganic fertilizer, it will rapidly become insoluble.
The dilemma is that calcium is also essential to plants. It is often added to soils in the form of lime rock, dolomite or gypsum, not only to replenish soils low in calcium but to also raise pH in soils made acidic by nitrates. Calcium carbonate will dissolve and calcium ions will latch on the phosphate ions, becoming a nearly insoluble compound.
In the last decades, growers have progressively added more phosphate to their fertilizer mix to counter this problem. However, even the little leaching that occurs creates enormous environmental problems. Some vegetable growers are taking a different approach. They apply a small amount of phosphate at time of planting in the furrow (starter fertilizer); then at four to six true leaves, they foliar spray (usually a mixture of potassium phosphate) on a weekly basis thereafter, (based on tissue samples). I use 3-18-18 high grade liquid fertilizer which is designed for this very reason. It is composed of food grade materials, meaning the same high quality products used in the food industry.
Labels: 3-18-18, fertilizer, gardening, Lawn Care, leaching, liquid fertilizer, macro nutrients, phosphate
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