Monday, March 9, 2009

Inoculaid, a new mix of photosynthetic beneficial soil bacteria can reduce fertilizer use by as much as 50%, without compromising yield, thereby helping the environment.
Soil biologists have long known the symbiotic relationship between plants and certain bacteria and fungi co-habitating in the root zone.
While plants provide nutrients such as sugar and amino acids, strands of rhizo bacteria transform nitrogen from the air into ammonia which the plants can absorb. Others help transport nutrients to the roots; and some even provide auxin (plant hormones) necessary for plant growth.
For years various biological laboratories have offered various cocktails of beneficial bacteria. However, none have provided such an effective alternative to traditional farming until now.
I have applied various brands of beneficial bacteria in a number of large and small trials. They indeed reduce fertilizer inputs. However, they had very short shelf life once the container was open; and they provided a 10% to 20% fertilizer reduction.
I met the folks at Applied & Experimental Biology, the makers of Inoculaid at an ag expo last year; and later had a long conversation with Thom Selvig, the biologist who developed the product. He described to me thirty years of research which culminated into this unique mix of photosynthetic bacteria, (naturally found in the soil), which provide an array of proven benefits:
1) Reduction of fertilizer inputs by as much as 50% without compromising yield.
2) Improved soil moisture and aggregation.
3) Reduction in harmful pathogens/pests including nematodes and fungi.
When one hears of such phenomenal claims, the first reaction is skepticism- too good to be true; just another snake oil; why isn't every body using this product?
Growers and golf superintendents are starting to. I talked to several of them and ag consultants who are currently using Inoculaid on a large scale (thousands of acres of vegetable production). They all reported the same success. In some cases they have completely eliminated fumigation, drastically cut fungicide and in one instance cut nitrogen input by 2/3.
Inoculaid is the new paradigm towards environmentally friendly agriculture and landscape maintenance. By using nature’s own weapons, Inoculaid is now allowing growers to produce more food, with less fertilizers and chemicals.
For an amazing view of this microbiology at work through the lens of a microscope, watch the video. It will dazzle you.
Or go to for more information
Labels: beneficial bacteria, fertilizer, inoculants, nematode, organic farming, organic gardening, reduce fertilizer, soil moisture
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