Saturday, February 6, 2010



In November 2009 a federal judge approved a decree mandating that the EPA set fertilizer limits to protect Florida waters from harmful algae bloom. This month, a number of EPA sponsored public hearings are scheduled in a number of cities throughout the state of Florida. Restrictions on fertilizer use and costly containment of runoff water may pose huge economic costs to farming operations in Florida. And in fact may jeopardize the survival of many of them.But Florida may be just the beginning of a nation wide curb on fertilizer use. For example, many environmental groups have been clamoring about agricultural runoffs from Midwest states finding their way to the Mississippi and causing a growing dead zone, void of all fish, in the Gulf of Mexico. Homeowners will not be exempted either. In fact some counties in Florida already have tough restriction on fertilizer use on private lawns during summer months.
So how can a grower or homeowner maintain yield or a healthy lawn with less fertilizer?
The solution is simple, cost effective and proven: Quantum Growth beneficial bacteria. Growers who currently use Quantum Growth report a 50% to 70% reduction in nitrogen fertilizer use without any negative impact on yield. Better yet, they are able to greatly reduce fungicide applications, saving themselves even more money.Quantum Growth, (formally Inoculaid), is a consortium of numerous beneficial bacteria, each with unique attributes. Some strains transform atmospheric nitrogen in NH4+, which the plant can uptake. Others help in the transport of macro and micronutrients to the root zone. Some destroy harmful pathogen in the soil and leaves, including fungi. Others help maintain soil moisture. Quantum Growth offers another huge advantage over other competing products in that it is a living culture, which immediately goes to work in the soil; and yet has a stable shelf life of several years. Most similar products have dormant cultures in order to provide a shelf life; meaning that to activate the bacterial strains requires a perfect environment over an incubating period of days or weeks. Biologists have long known that beneficial bacteria suppress plant diseases, transport nutrients, aerate the soil, decompose and make available organic nutrients to the plant and fixate atmospheric nitrogen. Quantum Growth is the culmination of more than 30 years of such research. The key was to develop living cultures, (naturally found in the soil), with unique and synergistic benefits which could coexist together. And that was the breakthrough.
Quantum comes in five versions depending on the application. For example, Quantum VSC offers additional strains to rapidly breakdown thatch and is ideal for turf. Quantum HSC is loaded with humates and other nutrients to allow the bacterial colonies to expand in depleted or low organic soils.
To learn more about a new, smarter and environmentally friendly way to grow fruits, vegetables or turf, log on to

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